“To be still, to know harmony and to be in joy are the natural impulses of the inner-heart.”
Serge Benhayon

"Where flowers bloom so does Hope"
Lady Bird Johnson
An Invitation to
Heal and Reconnect with Your Heart
10 Week Guided 1:1 Sacred Journey
Many women feel ever-more overwhelmed, exhausted and stuck, feeling that they have been thrown so far from away from themselves that they simply can’t find their way back. Whether you are feeling that your life is not in your control, or you are confused and consumed by the storm of every raging emotion within you are invited to make the conscious choice to shift from living life in disharmony to flow and transform turmoil into peace.
In this extraordinary healing journey, you will undergo a complete exploration and transformation of self. A holistic deep dive into all that you are and the components that make up your life so that you are able to truly clear the old and that which no longer serves you. Only then can you begin to reconnect with your higher essence and start to live life in freedom.
It is fundamental and necessary, to begin with, deeper introspective healing, clearing the way for new seeds to be sown so that you finally are able to blossom into the extraordinary woman you are.
In this part of your bespoke journey, you are guided to heal, reset and reconnect with your Heart. Setting the foundations for true healing, growth and expansion on the next level of the Awaken Your Feminine Heart Series.
This journey is designed to lay the foundations for deeper and more honed self-development however it is highly recommended to book a 1:1 discovery session to learn more about how this can be perfect for you.